
CGD Writer + Awards

Its that time again where I get super excited I just have to write a post about something but then get all lost for words because I'm just too excited to make any sense, does that make sense?

Anyway I'm going to try and string a few sentences together just so you get the general idea. 

I am now an official contributing writer for the online site Career Girl Daily, a site I have followed since the very beginning. Being a part of such a successful site for powerful and career driven women is so exciting for me, I sent off an email and a cover letter not really expecting to hear back, little did I know it actually payed off.  As someone who one day hopes to be working in journalism I spend most of my spare time searching non stop for opportunities and chances to get my work out there on the big old internet, its somewhat terrifying knowing that people are actually reading your work but its equally just as exciting. I am thrilled to be a part of the team and very much look forward to working alongside the amazing people who help to create the site. 

Career Girl Daily have recently been nominated for the Blog Lovin Awards for Best Life Improvement Blog, it would of course be greatly appreciated if you could cast your vote and spread the word!

Vote here!

If your not familiar with the site then be sure to check it out here! 

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